Welcome to Evergreen Commons

From the Association Secretary
Histories of our ECA Streng Homes
When the Streng Brothers built our Mid-Century Modern homes in the 1970s, they kept amazing, detailed records on each and every one. Several years ago, Jim Streng attended our annual meeting. He brought the boxes of files for home- owners who were interested. I brought mine home that night, and spent several hours looking at blueprints, change orders, repairs, etc. Fascinating!! I learned that a couple of problems I have dealt with for years, were problems way back then.
Unfortunately, there are still a LOT of the files remaining... and they are now on my dining room table. It would be a shame to discard them. So, I’m on a “crusade” to get them to current home- owners. I’ll be delivering them within the upcoming week or two. If you are not home when I arrive with yours, I will leave it on your doormat. Then, it’s your decision to keep the documents or dispose of them. I hope you'll find them as interesting as I did.If you have questions, or wish to pick yours up at my home, please feel free to contact me.
Lynnette Purvis